Friends we have to think a cheapest computer or a cheap laptop which is basis processor for e.g. Pentium P2 , P2 or using one or 2 GB RAM, or using 8 GB or 16 GB hard drive collected these things and assembling a cheapest computer.
This requirement is more that using a elementary school , for those classes is using Python or C ++ language coding . So we have to use a proper computer with a cheapest price .
These computer as also see a more cost. That's why we use Raspberry PI device.
This is a smallest computer, smallest means your smartphone is bigger than this device , and this smallest computer we were to see all the program and features two compare the bigger computer .
It can have input output processor RAM we will to see normally USB Port LAN Port.
This device cost about 5 $, 10 $, 20 $,30 $, and 35 $ compare with specification we have to use. It can be used a different type of project, IOT, different modules .
It can have a different type of ways we can be see Kali- Linux open to Windows 10 OS.
These device are contained a processor almost smartphone equivalent. If you have to see a mobile phone mid range processor for these categories .
According to its creator delivered desktop performance completely to entry level X 86 PC, system .
In this device lightweight design has tended to restrict eat two hobbyist project and IOT roll, rather than primary desktops.
Those USB ports are limited to 2 gigabyte /second but still an order ,magnitude quickly than the legacy USB 2 PORT . It can also extend some WiFi control remain unchanged the gigabit internet connection is longer capped at 300 Mb/sec.
In some upgrades these devices the micro USB power connection has been replaced to by USB C socket which would be easier to find a USB C power supply ,with enough to keep the Raspberry PI 4 model B running a full speed .
The Raspberry PI 3 model B to the B plus typically the upgrades give a 20 percent speed-boost , where is the PI is model d B is after , twice a first as the PI three model B .
In the result the outcome with a few footnote. when we using the Raspberry PI 3 model B + with one GB of RAM the bench crash owning the leak of memory the Raspberry PI was originally conceived as a fan accessible conceived as a fun, affordable platform for programming home automation project, or simple tinkering with Linux.
To top it all off, the additional RAM option provide headroom for bigger, more demanding task - although note that the memory modules are soldered onto the board, so you can't start small and upgrade later.
Tap to Raspberry Pi projects
1.) DIY pocket PC
2.) Raspberry PI Hexapad robot
3.) Raspberry PI drone
4.) Raspberry PI mouse trap
5.) Raspberry PI VR robot tank
6.) Raspberry PI smart mirror
7.) Raspberry PI plotter
8.) Smart security camera with a Raspberry PI zen