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Top 10 useful Windows Command

Top 10 useful Windows Command 

Friends we are using computer and laptop in daily life, so you can use windows command definitely.
We can see 10 basic command which is very useful to us.

1) ipconfig

If you can find our computer or laptop IP address are you for your friends computer laptop IP address so we can find easily to use of ipconfig

1) click Window+r
2) type CMD
3) open command prompt
4) type ipconfig and press enter

2) mkdir

This command can use for creating a folder very easily. We can create a folder easily on windows

1) open cmd
2) if you can create a folder in desktops or write cd desktop
3) write mkdir folder name
4) press enter

3) task list

If you can find how many application running on our computer using common. If can see very easily for using tasklist command.

1) open cmd
2) write tasklist
3) press enter

4) type

This command is used for sea text document for example notepad and etc in command window. so it can show very easily by using type command.

1) open cmd
2) go those locations which you while can have for example desktop type cd desktop
3) type type fine name dot extension for example file one.text

5) color

Friends we can see every time in command windows written text or white in color. But we can  changed in different colors using color command

1) open cmd windows
2) type color red
3) now it showing a different type of color code.
4) then type this color code for ex color 2
5) press enter

6) encryption

Encryption is one of the most common way to ensure that no one other than you can take a peek at a data the common from is the easy way to encrypt their files.

1)open cmd
2)take a folder location those you should can encrypt
3)type cipher / E
4)then press enter

7) change windows title

By default title of a common prompt windows just that command prompt. Let's change into something cool.

1) open common prompt
2) type the text return on the title bar
For eg title my name cmd
3) press enter

8) Watch STAR WARS In ASCII Text

It's pretty exciting watch star wars in ASCII text

1) Open command prompt
2) type telnet towel.blinkenlight.nl
3) press enter

9) wifi Hotspot

Which will obviously let a create a WiFi Hotspot on our windows computer so you can share your internet on the other devices.

1)open cmd window
2)type netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow           ssid=Hotspotname key=password
3)press enter
4) type netsh wlan start hostednetwork
5) type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

10) hide folder

Basically we will use a hidden property of any folder or file but that it show up to any body can open a hidden file. Fortunately we can use command prompt for hide a file or folder. 

For example such a folder in desktop.

1) open cmd window
2) cd desktop
3) type Attrib +h +s +r folder name
4) the folder is now ,become completely hidden

Open those hidden folder by using command prompt

1) cd desktop
2) type Attrib -h -s -r folder name
3) press enter

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