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[Best] 3 Computer Trick Should Everyone Know

[Best] 3 Computer Trick Should Everyone Know

Hello friends, if you can think you yourself are computer expert. You can have a full computer knowledge or full information about computer. You can study in computer or IT [Information Technology] sector.

So we can see in best 3 computer tricks. Lets start

01.) Opening task Manager

Lets someone asks a question. How can open the task manager.

 First thing you will go in control panel and search the task manager. Second thing you can press in keyboard button Ctrl+Alt+Delete

But they cannot be easiest way to open task manager. This is the earliest process to open task manager.

In simple way, a keyboard key press Ctrl+Shift+Esc simultaneously. Therefore it will open the task manager.

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02.) Block Website In Computer

If you can say our computer expert or if you can study in computer technology that trick must be know always. If you can say many websites can block our computer or any website be open in web browser, yes that it possible.

First you can click Ctrl+r open their run windows in computer screen.

Type  "%windir%\system32\deivers\etc"

Type you can see the host file and open with notpad.

In that file type anyone local IP address and type website name
For example: facebook.com www.facebook.com
and save it.

If you can open web browser and search facebook.com it can be open this site. It can be blocked directly.

03.) Encrypting file and folder

If you can secure the file and folder in laptop and computer systems and we can have some important documentation or file any one can't be assess that file or folder in other computer or laptop.

First you can go the file which you can have encrypt.

Click right click on the file and go properties.

 Click advanced option.

Then you can see the encrypt option and click it now your file can be encrypted.

Any user can copy file and open the another computer. It cannot be open properly.

Note : This file can open that computer which computer or laptop was encrypt that file.

This trick can work that computer which can have bit locker application.

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