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What is graphics? What is use of graphics card

What is graphics? 

What is use of graphics card ?

Friends you can play the game on mobile or computer, on that time you're hearing about graphic card or [GPU] graphic processing unit. You can play the high resolution games on mobile or computer, so you can have graphic card in computer or laptop.

 What is the graphics?

 If you're seen in mobile display or computer display Computer graphic is made of number of pixels. Pixel is the smallest graphical pictures or unit  representation on the computer or mobile screen. In a basic 720p display or screen it contained one million of pixels are joined together. If we can be see 4k resolution display it contained 8 million of pixels so this 8 million of pixels, what can it show or which color can be show? If you are playing a games or if you're watching a video, so this work can be process your computer graphics card.

Computer graphics is an art of drawing, pictures, line, etc using computer with the help of programming. 

Graphics are often concentrated with the text which is compress of characters rather than image.

There are two types of graphics

1.) 2 dimensional graphics 
2.) 3 dimensional graphics

A few years ago  the display screen support to the monochrome graphics meaning they were (black and white). In that year display first machine only supported 16 or 256 colors and now a days display graphics in millions of colors.

There are two types of computer graphics 

1.) Interactive  computer graphics 
2.) Non interactive  computer graphics

Interact to computer graphics:

 These graphics involved a two way communication between computer and uses.

Non interactive computer graphics:

 This computer graphics is also known as passive computer graphics. In the graphic user does not have any kind of control over the image.
Now a days we are seen, users can purchase different GPU others can CPU.

Integrated GPU

 Intel and AMD have integrated GPU, it means both processor one small part consuming GPU we can talk about moving contained it process 60 times in one second pixels can change 60 times in one seconds.

  Application of Graphics

 Graphics is being used in such devices  

1.) Presentation Graphics 
2.) Entertainment
3.) Education and Training 
4.) Drawing and Arts 
5.) Communication 
6.) Image Processing 
7.) graphic user interface (GPU)

Graphic devices

 Graphic devices can be divided into two major categories:

1.) The display system where the graphics are renewed in the consoles screen of the computer.

2.) The hardware components which the user interact to generate necessary instructions for the certain of required graphics.

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